Special Project: Alphabet of the Corrupt Ukrainian Reality

A - arrogance, agriculture, fixed assets. capital assets, Antonov
B - bribery, budget, banking system, Bankova Street
C - corruption, corrupt, Constitution, crisis, commission, Customs, community / raion, Constitutional Court, charitable foudation, cash, cover-up, coal mining, cattle, Cyprus
D - disrespect, dole, deficit
E - expert, election committee, education abroad, electorate, economy growth
F - foreign economic activity, first capital, family
G - greed for gain, guarantor, grant
H - hypocrisy, harvest, hushing up, healthcare, Hrushevsky Street
I - influx of foreign investments, intelligence, industry, import substitution, inspection of documents, income statement, inflation
K - kleptocracy, Kyiv, Kyiv Rus, Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Kremlin
L - licensing, living wage, loan
M - media, military, mortgage, MP, MP aide, old militia, Moscow, MetInvest
N - new faces, NAFTOGAZ, national producer, neighbour, National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), NGO, National Guard, national idea
O - organized crime, orphanage, oligarch, optimization, offshore
P - permissiveness of rich kids, populism, politicking, procurement, parliamentary committee, Prosecutor General's Office, penitentiary, pension, project work, public service, productivity, poverty line, propaganda, publicity, office plankton, Panama, Pechersk
R - raider, right, reforms, Russian World, Russia, religiousness / piousness, retail, revolution, registry
S - snatching, search, state administration, shadow economy, staff reduction / axe, son, SCM, Security Service of Ukraine (SSU / SBU), social benefits, separatism, Sadova Street
T - tender bulletin, tax administration, trade war, Treasury, TV, thieves' slang, taxation
U - utility bill, UkrRosEnergo
V - vyshyvanka, vegetable garden
W - working group, wide trousers (sharovary)
Y - YuzhMash