Our Aim and Ideology

  • We define ourselves as the third way proponents, favouring the right approach in most cases combined with adequate education, healthcare and social security levels, and social lifts for the talented.

Aim of Uqraine.com – Ukraine Outlook Think Tank

Short-term period
  • Provide insight into the deepest corners of the souls of the Ukrainians, and their world-view;
  • Explain sources of the Ukrainian potential for the growth;
  • Share unbiased commentary on and comprehensive analysis of the current events in Ukraine;
  • Expand special expertise in the field on education;
  • Expose and withstand corruption in Ukraine

Mid-term period
  • Assist in changing political generation by removing communist-bred crooks from the office
  • Develop efficient strategies and policies and lobby for their adoption into the legislation to assure the bright future for Ukraine;
  • Work out national informational security and the Ukrainian language space;
  • Set up a strong team of like-minds with limited Soviet and dominant Ukrainian background that share views on the prospects of Ukraine;
  • Elaborate and promote system reforms aimed at revamp and re-targeting of the economy of Ukraine;
  • Advocate Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and NATO 

Long-term period
  • Provide support for the establishment of the united World Government, at least in the field of the economics, to secure sustainable development of the humankind;
  • Devise regional European cooperation incentives;
  • Make world comfortable place of living.

Major sources of funding
  • Supporting election and lobbying campaigns of the politicians;
  • Advising foreign companies on entering the Ukrainian market;
  • Counselling on forming local public opinion;
  • Limited grant use;
  • Other sidelines of major activities;
  • Professional activities not connected with the politics.

Abstaining from excessive grant dependence and self-limitation to the average living standard is to be the guarantee of the fairness, impartiality, and objectivity.